Issue: Delay in uploading content from your desktop in an online class
Status: Fixed.
Issue: Problem in accessing past class recordings
Status: Fixed.
Issue: Problem in pausing and resuming class recordings
Status: Fixed.
Issue: The error message “you are already signed into the session on another browser or system. Please sign-out from there and refresh”.
Status: Fixed.
Status: Fixed. Now PowerPoint, whiteboard, etc. will auto-fit to your screen size.
Issue: Problem in downloading class recordings
Status: Fixed. You can now start downloading your recordings.
Status: Resolution in progress.
Issue: Missing embed code for classes
Status: Resolution in progress.
As you can see, most of the issues have been resolved and the remaining two issues will be fixed soon. If you encounter any other technical problems while using the new Virtual Classroom, please write to us at [email protected].
Also, some of the issues we see our users facing is because of lack of familiarity with the new Virtual Classroom. Although we have been informing our users to test out the new Virtual Classroom repeatedly over the last 6 weeks, we realize there are many out there who haven't. So we urge you to schedule a free demo of the new Virtual Classroom with one of our support personnel so you can give the best experience to your students, as we want to give to you.
We thank you for your patience.
Besides resolving the present issues, WiZiQ has been adding new features at the same time to enhance the quality of the new Virtual Classroom. So, keep visiting this blog post for new feature updates. Below are some features that are added recently:
- A new Eraser button has been added to the objects’ panel of your new VC
- The arrow has been replaced with ‘+/-‘ symbols to expand or collapse your folders in the content library
- Next/previous buttons added in your pdf/doc/xls files, just as in ppt
- Upload content directly to the Virtual Classroom in MAC systems up to 500 KB